ARTSlam sessions, typically held at the International Sculpture Conference, are unique opportunities where artists are invited to present images of their current work to other attendees for constructive dialogue. Each artist will be limited to 10-15 slides and 10 minutes – maximum! Sessions will be limited to 4 presenters per session.
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ARTSlam sessions, typically held at the International Sculpture Conference, are unique opportunities where artists are invited to present images of their current work to other attendees for constructive dialogue. Each artist will be limited to 10-15 slides and 10 minutes – maximum! Sessions will be limited to 4 presenters per session. Anyone is welcome to participate as an audience member. Audience members and presenters should fill out the application form to register for the event. A Zoom link will be sent to those who register online the same week as the event. All presenters will be given a PowerPoint template in which they should format their slides. The order of presentations will be provided to presenters prior to the call, and presenters must be on the call for their work to be shown.